I am fascinated by old tools because of their hidden stories. Sometimes a mundane story to be sure. Like when someone dripped paint on the handle by accident, whose hands were they in? What were they building? These screwdrivers are still quite functional despite their age. The shape and texture are pleasing too.
Still Life
Old Tool
Back when this was made, a tool was something one used to get work done. Today it can have the same meaning, but it also has other meanings. I’m captivated to the shape, texture and color. It feels like it could have been in the hands of cranky old plumber with a magical connection to pipes. What do you think it’s story is?
A Wrench in the Works
That’s how I feel about plumbing. Is it really not leaking? Why is this thingie the wrong size? Rats, I’ve got to go back to the store again. No Fun!
On the other hand low-key images with lots of texture make me smile. Either it’s a metaphor for midwest industry, or just a couple of old monkey wrenches. Regardless, I like the color and feel of the image. Let me know how you feel.
It’s a C clamp, but it looks more like G to me. It usually lives in my basement.
I really like low-key images. Shape, volume, and texture all working together to create mystery and drama. You can read your own meaning into the picture. Me, I just like the feeling, the power of the metal, and the possibility of a story.
Industrial Filter Photography
There are thousands of industrial filters that filter a wide assortment of gas and liquid. We were trying to make an interesting photograph to capture the attention of readers. I like stepping outside the bounds of a standard product shot. This hi-key photograph of filter media was one of the solutions that day.
Still life Photography
Shooting on location at the office of an investment advisor, my task was to take photographs that would reflect his business. As he collected antiques related to investment, my job was simplified. The antiques project a timeless stability, and the knowledge and experience to guide clients through the difficult world of investing. It was a busy day photographing still life vignettes and portraits. Please let me know what you think.
Detroit Product Photographer Tom Kirby
I enjoy working alone. When you finish, you have a sense of accomplishment; you know the photograph is yours. Fortunately, I also enjoy collaborating with clients. Working with a designer or art director to create images that work for the client, and solving the visual problems to communicate their story can be enjoyable and gratifying. Collaboration is at the core of commercial photography. It’s my job to make real the image that lives in my client’s head. This is one of several photos we captured for a medical technologies firm. Working with a wonderful art director and writer/account person, it was a terrific day.